The BVI Olympic Committee donated equipment to the 12 pre- and primary schools piloting the physical literacy project.
The equipment will provide support in building the physical literacy capacity of students in schools participating in the project.
As part of the assessments that were carried out last month by the team of physical literacy specialists visiting from Canada Sports for Life, one of the recommendations in the report was the need for equipment to introduce various activities to the children that will assist in building mastery, confidence and motivation to move in different ways.
President of the BVI Olympic Committee, Mr. Ephraim Penn said “This initiative is being sponsored by the Olympic Solidarity and therefore we want to ensure that this programme is a success. In order to do so we have to continue to invest in the physical development of the Territory’s children.”
Physical Education teachers, coaches and persons involved in sports along with parents are encouraged to support the initiative by learning about physical literacy and following the physical literacy campaign on BVIOC’s website – – and page on Facebook.
“There is great information and tips that everyone can use to introduce physical literacy concepts to children in their care. I encourage parents, teachers, care givers and volunteers to support the concept of physical literacy and to lead by example by being active and encouraging your child or children to be active as well,” Mr. Penn said.
The equipment was handed over to the Ministry of Education and Culture and received by Permanent Secretary Mrs. Carolyn Stoutt-Igwe and Chief Education Officer Ms. Connie George on November 8 during a short ceremony.
“We recognize the importance of physical literacy in our community and the long term benefits of ingraining physical activity from an early age so that it becomes a lifetime habit,” said Ms. George. “Having the Physical Literacy project run in our schools is paramount and the Ministry of Education is very appreciative that the BVI Olympic Committee is ensuring its success through their ongoing support and donations with funding from Olympic Solidarity.”
The equipment, which includes a variety of training tools tailored for the needs of each recipient, will be distributed to the participating schools in the coming days.
Participating schools include Althea Scatliffe, Francis Lettsome, Leonora Delville and Jost Van Dyke Primary Schools, Bregado Flax Education Centre-Primary Division, Agape Total Life Academy and Pelican Gate School as well as New Life, Little Light House, New Testament, Visions and Jost Van Dyke preschools.
The mission to promote physical literacy locally is a multi-agency collaboration between the BVI Olympic Committee, Canada Sports for Life and the Ministries of Health and Social Development and Education and Culture.
Physical Literacy is the competence, confidence and motivation to enjoy a variety of sports and physical activities.