Austin Keil takes top rugby player of the year award

By BVI  Platinum

From L-R: Austin Keil, player of the year; Brothers Victor Amparo and Kenrick Thomas were awarded the Under-19 player of the year and most improved player, respectively. Photo Credit: Gordon French/BVI Platinum News

From L-R: Austin Keil, player of the year; Brothers Victor Amparo and Kenrick Thomas were awarded the Under-19 player of the year and most improved player, respectively.
Photo Credit: Gordon French/BVI Platinum News

Three of the top annual rugby awards presented by the BVI Rugby Football Union went to youth players led by Austin Keil who captured the player of the year, the most prestigious presented at the annual dinner which was held at Scrub Island last evening, June 27.

Keil, 18, of Cedar School, has had a break out season and scored the final try for the national team against Curacao in May.

“It feels pretty good and its just really nice to be here with all my friends who also won awards. And its really fun. Everyone on the team has been working really hard and it shows in the results at the end of the year,” Keil told BVI Platinum News.

He plans to attend university in California in the fall where he will try out froSanta Barbra rugby team.

Brothers Victor Amparo and Kenrick Thomas were awarded the Under-19 player of the year and most improved player, respectively.

“It feels pretty good to have won this award,” Amparo stated.

He recalled the under-19 team’s encounter in Trinidad and Tobago and his experience gained playing for the national side.

Thomas said he recently started playing rugby and never missed a practice session.

“My fitness is really advanced thanks to rugby. The discipline I have learned has really helped me. I am around all the players with different cultures and different experiences; this has been a great learning experience for me,” Thomas stated.

Chairman of the Rugby Union, Ronan Kuczaj said rugby on the island has benefited from the emergence of younger players.

“All of our results have come form the under-19s. They had good performance in the Mexico 7s and more recently the three games in the 2015 North American Caribbean Rugby Association’s 15s. We have a good core of kids who have come through the under-19 program and school coaching sessions. They are the future and lifeblood of rugby in the BVI,” Kuczaj stated.

SDA retain Tag Rugby Championship!


Seventh Day Adventist captain, Keon Sampson fakes a pass to set up the winning try. Photo: Charlie E. Jackson/VINO

Seventh Day Adventist captain, Keon Sampson fakes a pass to set up the winning try. Photo: Charlie E. Jackson/VINO

After a long hot day, it was “mission complete” for the Seventh- day Adventist Primary School as they successfully defended their BVI Rugby Association Tag Rugby title on Friday June 5, 2015 at the Old Recreation Ground in Road Town.

The final itself was a terse, tense affair with neither SDA nor their opponent Cedar “A” prepared to cede ground to the other in a mid field battle for supremacy.

Cedar School made the first breakthrough in the second half, but undeterred the SDA team kept going and got their reward when a slick move resulted in the equaliser. However, the score remained tied up until the final whistle and it wasn’t until deep into extra time that SDA scored the “golden try” to run out 2-1 winners.

Describing the winning moment, SDA captain, Keon Sampson was also full of praise for his team’s effort. “Everyone was playing good, but the winner, everyone was saying send the ball out wide, but I told the player who was tapping the ball to restart, just pass the ball to me. I faked a pass and then changed direction to give the ball to Isaiah Rhymer, who twisted, broke past a couple of them and scored the winner. It was awesome!”

SDA Coach, Melvin Knight was also a happy man. “When we started the day it wasn’t going so well, so I told them they had to play together and as a team. They listened and began holding a tight defensive line, well spread out across the field and then when they got their chance attacked quickly. In the end it was mission accomplished.”

Six teams began the day with the SDA commanding Group A, reaching the semi finals unbeaten, whilst in Group B, it was Cedar “B” finishing in pole position, having seen off the challenge from Enis Adams and Ivan Dawson Schools.

Francis Lettsome Primary almost caused upsets in the first Group “A” games with a 1-1 draw against Cedar and then suffering a narrow 2-1 defeat by SDA, but then SDA showed their intent to retain the Championship with a 4-2 mauling of Cedar “A”.

In Group “B”, Cedar B recorded a massive 10-2 victory over Enis Adams and a 3-0 win over Ivan Dawson.

The semi final clash between Cedar “A” and Cedar “B” also proved exciting as the school mates battled for at least bragging rights and when the dust all settled it was the “A’s” who moved on courtesy of a 3-2 win. However, the strength sapping heat and energy expended had the team looking ragged as they then wilted towards the end of the fateful final.

Rugby Association Youth Development Officer, Sherlock Sam “Solo” Solomon, put on another well organised event, despite a lack of obvious physical support from the Association, but with those who did help, Simon Knight and a few U19 Rugby players, the primary school teams were able to have a lot of fun, whilst playing some very competitive games and making some new friends.

“The day was rewarding as from the offset I noticed that the skill levels have gone up and the style of play is now suggesting that we should play only seven a side and not ten, to give them more room to express themselves further. SDA have been playing regularly and are really committed. Most of the team is in the same class at school and they have obviously worked hard to come here today and defend their title,” Mr Soloman stated.

BVI Rugby team secures third consecutive victory to top NACRA 2015 South Zone Cup League


BVI beats Curacao 19-0 to top NACRA 2015 South Zone Cup Photo: Todd VanSickle

BVI beats Curacao 19-0 to top NACRA 2015 South Zone Cup
Photo: Todd VanSickle

With three consecutive victories, the national rugby team has topped the South Zone of the 2015 North American Caribbean Rugby Association’s 15s tournament, following an emphatic victory against Curacao at the A. O Shirley Recreational Grounds on Saturday, May 2.

On a dusty grounds, due to ongoing renovation works, the BVI shutout the visitors 19-0 and will now move on to face familiar opponent, Barbados.

In the 7th minute, the BVI seized a 7-0 lead behind a try by Shamarie Spencer and subsequent conversion by Rory Thornton. Shortly before halftime, the BVI struck again when Noel Maxwell scored with a burst of speed to push the lead to 12-0.

Curacao would respond with an offense surge that lasted about 5 minutes a few yards from the try line, but the BVI defense held up to ensure a 12 point lead when the halftime whistle blew.

Austin Keil crushed the hopes of the visitors when he broke two tackles and secured a try under the uprights. The conversion by Thornton gave the BVI the 19 point victory and a chance to play the top seeded teams in the Caribbean.

Head coach Sherlock Solomon was proud of the team’s accomplishment, particularly, since players from the under-19 program have started to come through. The BVI went to St. Lucia and St. Vincent and returned home with victories.

“Last season we were building and a year later you can see the work. The youngsters were very encouraging and impressive. We were fitter and much more consistent this year and the results prove how hard we have been working for the last 12 months,” said Solomon.

Asked further to explain what has changed since the BVI has always been working, Solomon said, “I think the commitment and the guys learning and understanding the game because half the team was made up of under 19s. They took their licks last year, went to the gym, worked harder and learned from that. It was really satisfying to see the progress,” said Solomon.

For Curacao, the stifling BVI defense was too much to overcome, acoording to captain Robin Perry.

“I don’t think that we played too well that is because the BVI didn’t let us. They played very solid defense, we couldn’t break them down. As a team we are very disappointed, but fair play to the BVI because they were the better team,” Perry stated.

BVI tops NACRA South Zone Cup table after victory against St Vincent

By BVI Platinum

BVI defeats St Vincent in NACRA South Zone Cup game. Photo: Oris Photography

BVI defeats St Vincent in NACRA South Zone Cup game. Photo: Oris Photography

The Virgin Islands are sitting at the top of the South Zone Cup table following a 22-15 victory abroad against St. Vincent at the Arnos Vale grounds on Saturday, April 18.

Led by the opening try by Joseph Smith, the BVI seized control of the game, but St. Vincent scored to knot the game at 5-5 in the first half.

In the second half, the BVI punched early with a try from Austin Keil which pushed the lead to 10-5 following a failed conversion kick. However, St. Vincent kept the encounter close.

It took tries from Roan Thornton and Viveon Harry to seal the victory for the BVI and the top spot in the group with one game to play against fierce competitors, Curacao in another two weeks.

To win the group, the BVI needs to win the game which is expected to be played at the A. O Shirley Recreation Grounds. A victory will ensure the BVI moves on to the next round of 2015 North American Caribbean Rugby Association’s 15s tournament.

It remains to be seen if the grounds will be ready in time for the game or the BVI will have to win again on the road as they have done in St. Lucia and St. Vincent.

BVI Rugby squad seeks an important win in St Vincent

By BVIPlatinum

BVI Rugby team in action in St Lucia Photo: BVI Rugby Football Union

BVI Rugby team in action in St Lucia Photo: BVI Rugby Football Union

A 23-member rugby squad will leave the Virgin Islands on Friday for St. Vincent and the Grenadines where they must win to stay in contention in the 2015 North American Caribbean Rugby Association’s 15s tournament.

With a victory in the bag against St. Lucia in February, the BVI knows that they can’t afford a loss or a tie in Saturday’s game at the Arnos Vale grounds at 3:00 pm.

The South Zone Cup features an interesting battle among four teams as both St. Vincent and Curacao have beaten St. Lucia. However, the St. Vincent and Curacao encounter produced a draw.

Head coach, Sherlock ‘Solo’ Solomon told BVI Platinum News that St. Vincent is a familiar opponent. In the 2013 tournament, the BVI beat St. Vincent at home, but St. Vincent returned the favour last year at the A. O. Shirley Recreation grounds.

“We need to win the game to stay ahead in this group,” Solomon stated.

The team features Adebola Haffner, Andre Adams, Damion Brown, Roan Thornton, Thomas Chapman, Vivieon Harry, Kareen Ettienne, Eugene Maduro, Victor Amparo, Elton Pena, Garrenth Jardine, Colin McDonald, Andrew Simmonds, Joseph Smith, Rory Thornton, Austin Keil, Franklyn Victor, Andrew Skeets, Rory Greenam, Donovan Staple, Tavod Morgan, Joash Victor and Mohamed Said.

Simon Knight has been selected as Manager.

According to Solomon, the team is showing some depth as there has been five changes in the squad that won in St. Lucia in February. He spoke about the return of Rory Thornton from England, Keil, the inclusion of Skeets, the addition of two youth under 19 players and the return of former captain Donovan Staple.

The team will be without forwards Federico Zacari, Shamari Spencer and Jevon Thompson, all due to work commitments.

According to Solomon, the team includes 8 under-19 players and it is good to see the youngsters stepping up and making an impact in the team.

“A loss or draw would make the last game very interesting and we don’t want to take any chances so we have to win. St. Vincent is tough assignment and they have been playing good. We have to stay confident and stay ahead of the game. We have a strong backline and and forwards have been looking promising led by Adams, Etenne and Roan Thornton, and Rory is the just returning from England and has made himself available for the game, so I like our team’s chances of returning home with the victory,” Solomon explained.

He said that preparations have been hampered by the lack of proper facilities since the team has been forced to use the Baugher’s Bay field due to ongoing works at the A. O. Shirley Recreation grounds.

“The Recreation Trust has done well to keep the ground low and nice, but there are no flood lights which means that we have to finish practice early. Despite the challenges, the turnout by players has been good. We just a few things to work on before the game,” Solomon said.

NACRA South Zone Cup League update

BVI Rugby team in action. Photo: BVI Rugby

BVI Rugby team in action. Photo: BVI Rugby

Curacao moved to the top of the NACRA Championships 2015 South Zone Cup League table with a 36-19 win over St Lucia at the Mindoo Phillip Park in Castries, St Lucia.

The next fixture will take place on April 18 at the Arnos Vale Sporting Complex, St Vincent when St Vincent & The Grenadines meets the BVI for a critical match in the NACRA Leagues.

NACRA Championships 2015


North Zone Championship League
Cayman Islands 3 -24 Mexico
USA South 25-50 Mexico
USA South 24-25 Cayman Islands

North Zone Cup League
Turks and Caicos Islands 3-55 Bermuda
Bahamas 21-15 Bermuda
18/04: Turks and Caicos Islands v Bahamas

South Zone Championship League
Trinidad & Tobago 22-20 Guyana
Barbados 22-48 Guyana
Barbados 7-44 Trinidad and Tobago

South Zone Cup League
St Lucia 19-36 Curacao
St Lucia 14 – 22 British Virgin Islands
St Vincent & The Grenadines 24-24 Curacao
St Lucia 16-18 St Vincent & The Grenadines

18/04: St Vincent & The Grenadines v BVI

The winner of the South Zone Cup League will play the bottom team of the South Championship League (Barbados) for a shot at promotion to the Championships

Narrow miss for BVI Rugby team at Kowloon 10s in Hong Kong

Team BVI at 14th Kowloon 10s Rugby Fest, Hong Kong. Photo: Franklyn Victor

Team BVI at 14th Kowloon 10s Rugby Fest, Hong Kong. Photo: Franklyn Victor

15 players from the British Virgin Islands Rugby Football Union are in Hong Kong to compete in the 14th annual Kowloon RugbyFest 2015, also known as the Kowloon 10s.

This is the second time the BVI Rugby Football Union has competed in the Kowloon 10s.

On March 25, the team played against five other teams from Australia, Hong Kong and Malaysia and advanced to the semi-finals.

The team barely missed winning in their sixth game to advance to the finals when, with less than 30 seconds left on the clock, the opposing team, The Dirty Frogs, a composite Asia team of players from Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Singapore and Hong Kong, scored.

In welcoming the BVI team, Director of BVI House Asia, Elise Donovan said, “The Kowloon 10s is one of the biggest sporting events in Hong Kong, and teams come from all over the world to compete, so we are extremely proud and delighted to have the BVI represented with such a formidable team.

“Our staff made sure that the BVI had the loudest cheer leaders, so they were very motivated to win. I would also note that a good portion of the team is made up of financial services practitioners, so it was double promotion for the BVI.”

The BVI Team said they were proud to have progressed further this year and were upbeat even after a full day of intense competitions. Last year at the 13th Kowloon 10s Tournament, the team won three games in the first round and was thrilled to also be awarded ‘The Most Social Team’.

Team Coach Sherlock Sam said, “It has been a fantastic trip for the BVI Team here in Hong Kong, especially bringing our younger team members halfway across the world to experience the games and this brilliant city.”

Meanwhile, Chairman of the BVI Rugby Football Union, Ronan Kuczaj said, “We are very proud to join this year’s Kowloon 10s and to see the BVI Team make it into the semi-finals. Competing with so many excellent international teams is a great experience for our team to keep growing and to become stronger.”

After the daytime competition, the BVI Rugby Team joined the ritual Kowloon RugbyFest dinner in the evening, which was partially sponsored by BVI House Asia. Over 600 guests attended, including a number of rugby legends, for an evening of celebrations and social banter.

The BVI Rugby Team was also sponsored by Digicel BVI, Pussers Rum, Walkers, EMCS, SHRM, and Krys Global.

RugbyFest, better known as the Kowloon 10s, began in 2001 to embody the true spirit and camaraderie of the game, complementing the more competitive Rugby Sevens.

The first Kowloon 10s competition took place in 2002, and has since become an integral part of Hong Kong’s week of rugby, visited by teams from all over the world, including the BVI.

The BVI Rugby Football Union is a non-profit organization that started when a group of British, South African and Australian expats living in Tortola, BVI, formed a team and played against a group of Royal Navy engineers. Today, they have grown to a team of 50 active players residing in the BVI from 11 different countries.

As a non-profit, all proceeds go to the Youth Development Program in the BVI, a program that has been running for eight years to teach rugby and development skills to currently 400 students from 10 schools.

The BVI Rugby Football Union strives to promote rugby and its values within and outside of the BVI, particularly to the younger generation.

Outside of the Kowloon 10s, the BVI Rugby Football Union faces off against the Royal Navy twice a year as they pass through the BVI. The team also makes its annual pilgrimage to Trinidad to compete, and work in another two additional tours per year to other Caribbean rugby nations, such as Barbados, the Dominican Republic, and Jamaica.

BVI rugby squad wins first match of 2015 NACRA 15s

By BVI Platinum

BVI vs St Lucia at 2015 NACRA 15s in St Lucia. Photo: Provided

BVI vs St Lucia at 2015 NACRA 15s in St Lucia. Photo: Provided

The BVI national squad returned home from St Lucia as winners against St. Lucia with a score of 22 – 14 in their first match of the 2015 North American Caribbean Rugby Association’s 15s. The game was played at the Mindoo Phillip Park, Castries, St Lucia on Saturday.

Tightly contested describes the first half of the game with the BVI enjoying a slim 7-10 halftime lead. Unlike last year’s tournament where the BVI surrendered a 10-point half time lead to St. Lucia, this year, the home side was corrected their mistakes, partly due to the team’s improved fitness.

St. Lucia surged late in the second half, but the BVI’s defense withstood the pressure and allowed just seven more points while adding 12 more points to settle the final score 22-14.

The BVI, St. Lucia, along with St. Vincent and Curacao are playing for the South Zone Cup. The next challenge for the BVI is St. Vincent.

Against St. Lucia, the BVI squad was bolstered by the availability of Nicolas Recondo and Federico Zacari. Some seven players have come through the under-19 youth training program introduced some years ago under the leadership of national coach, Sherlock ‘Solo’ Solomon.

The BVI was eager to take the field to extract revenge after losing a 10 point second half advantage then surrendered the game 29-18 to St. Lucia at the A. O. Shirley Recreation Grounds during last year’s tournament.

In December, the BVI faced St. Lucia in the North America Caribbean Rugby Association’s (NACA) 7s tournament in Mexico City, Mexico and won, 35-14.

Solomon had told BVI Platinum News that this year’s squad has undergone intense training and fitness, including participation in beach rugby tournaments. He expressed the view that the youth players continue to grow and improve steadily and St. Lucia would be a true test of the young squad.

Full Squad

Adebola Haffner, Andre Adams, Burt Woodley, Damion Brown, Jevon Thompson, Roan Thornton, Thomas Chapman, Vivieon Harry, Robert Christie, Shamarie Spencer, Kareen Ettienne, Eugene Maduro, Noel Maxwell, Victor Umparo, Kenrich Thomas, Garreth Jardine, Colin McDonald, Andrew Simmonds, Joseph Smith, Franklyn Victor, Rory Greenam, Federico Zacari, Tarod Morgan and Nicolas Recondo.


BVI Rugby Football Union upcoming events

By: BVI Rugby Football Union

BVI Rugby Football Union Photo: BVIRFU

BVI Rugby Football Union Photo: BVIRFU

The BVI is playing its first NACRA International on February 28th against St Lucia, in St Lucia. Training takes place on Tuesdays and Thursdays starting at 5:30pm at Baughers Bay.

Players who have resided in the BVI for three (3) or more years are eligible to represent the territory and get a CAP.
There are two additional NACRA fixtures against Curacao to be played at home on a date yet to be confirmed and against St Vincent on April 18 in St Vincent.

Other upcoming events include the the Fort Lauderdale Rugby RUGGERFEST 2015, February 21-22 when BVI players will join up with St Thomas rugby club to compete in Florida.

The Six Nations is back on with the first game, Wales v England, kicking off at 4:00pm on Friday, February 6.

The Kowloon 10s take place in Hong Kong on March 25.

In response to the interest expressed in contact rugby and given the availability of a full size field, the BVIRFU is looking to start a 10 aside competition which can be played at either Capoons Bay or Green lands in the East End, possibly on a Friday night. Anyone interested in playing or forming a team is invited to get in contact with the BVIRFU so that a schedule can be prepared. BVIRFU has enough jumps for about three teams.

VI national rugby squad exit Mexico 2014 NACRA 7s tournament after quarter finals


BVI rugby squad at the North America Caribbean Rugby Association's (NACRA) 7s tournament in Mexico City, Mexico. Photo: Provided

BVI rugby squad at the North America Caribbean Rugby Association’s (NACRA) 7s tournament in Mexico City, Mexico. Photo: Provided

A string of tough losses and lots of lessons to take away as the VI national squad concluded the North America Caribbean Rugby Association’s (NACRA) 7s tournament held December 3 -4 in Mexico City, Mexico.

On the second and final day of the tournament, Pool B teams, BVI and Barbados clashed in the quarterfinals, but despite some good opportunities, the BVI squad lost the encounter, 38-0. Despite the final score, the BVI showed a bit of improvement on the score of their very first game of the tournament which they lost to  Barbados, 69-0.

The loss against Barbados pushed the BVI into the plate section of the tournament where they faced Jamaica and while they managed to put points on the score sheet, Jamaica won, 43-14.

In their third game of the final day, the BVI faced a determined Bermuda squad. The final score was 33-0.

In the final analysis, the BVI team started preparations for the tournament in September. With several senior players unavailable for selection, including national captain, Donovan Staples, several players from the under-19 program were given an opportunity to play at a competitive level.

Head coach, Sherlock ‘Solo’ Solomon will have plenty of notes from the tournament to sift through as the BVI searches for improved performances at the regional level.

Guyana & Mexico Are Champs

While Mexico’s men’s and women’s teams both booked Cup Final spots in their respective divisions, it was the women who prevailed over Trinidad and Tobago to book a spot to Toronto and the 2015 Pan Am games.

Mexico’s women looked sharp in a one-sided 40-5 win.

The men appeared to have things under control, leading 21-7 at one point before Guyana showed the resolve and belief in themselves to score a penalty try with under a minute left to take the lead 33-28.

Guyana scored 26 points in its comeback, leaving the pro-Serpiente crowd shell shocked as they watched a nearly one minute discussion between the referees and assistant referees before the indication of a penalty try was given. Guyana absorbed the ensuing kick-off and kicked the ball into touch to take the win.

Ryan Gonsalves, Captain of the Guyanese team, said he and his teammates have a lot of belief in their ability to overcome adversity. “We have had this happen in 15s as well,” he said after the match. “We just stay calm and keep doing the right things and get back into the game.”

Rosie Riviera, Captain of the Mexican women’s team was beaming following the win. “To do this in front of our fans, our friends, our family is so amazing,” she said, adding, “This win was for everyone.”

Other women’s action saw Jamaica claim the Plate Final with a 12-5 win over St. Lucia.

In men’s action, Barbados finished the tournament in third place with a 17-14 win over Trinidad and Tobago.

The Plate Final saw Cayman Islands double up on Jamaica 22-11.

Both the finalists on the men’s side booked spots to the Toronto 2015 Pan Am games next July.