Earlier this today, a bit of character ended the College Classic Season with funny moustache painted faces all in support of a cause. In the BVI, some know that the month of November has been renamed Movember in support of the BVI Movember Charitable Trust’s efforts to fight prostate and testicular cancers in the territory. On the tail end of supporting women’s health in the fight against breast cancer during the month of October, HLSCC decided to dub it’s final race in support of men’s health to help spread awareness of the Movember initiatives.
Movember being an international charity, uses men’s facial hair growth as a means to raise conversations, awareness and funds for men’s health issues. The month long event starts with clean-shaven men growing moustaches, conversing about the cause and raising sponsorship money throughout the month to help fund treatment for diagnosed individuals.
Champs of the Tortola leg of the season were: Reuben Stoby in the Open Men’s Division, Rosmond Johnson in the Open Women’s Division, Sam Potgieter and A’keela McMaster the overall One Milers, under 9 one milers were Sam Potgieter and Asia McMaster, under 11 Division champs were Jahnare Farrington, Kael Chalwell and A’keela McMaster, under 13 Division champ was Christina Creque, under 15 Division champs were Ikyjah Williams and Kyra Romney, under 17 Division was Samuel Romney, the 20-29 years Division were Aaron Harry and Michelle Dennis, 30- 39 years Division were Reuben Stoby and Juliane Potgieter, 40-49 years Division champs were Zebalon McLean and Rosmond Johnson, 50-59 years Division were Dave Pettigrew and Kay Reddy, 60+ winners were Jim Cullimore and Shirley Liburd. Joyce Samuel Primary School and Francis Lettsome Primary were tied for first place in the Primary School Division, Cedar Secondary School in the Secondary School Division, Team Digicel in the Community Partners Division, Team Rotary Club of Tortola in the Service Clubs Division (11thconsecutive win). Full final results would be made available on the College’s Website at a later date.