Wayne Robinson, physical education teacher, Ebenezer Thomas Primary School, attended the education training in Barbados sponsored by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA
The Caribbean Regional Anti-Doping Organization (RADO) concluded a successful two-day meeting in Barbados with its 15 member countries where Board Members and Educators met to advance anti-doping education across the Caribbean region.
Sponsored by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), the education training was designed to provide member countries with specific educational tools and approaches that can be adopted and adapted to suit local realities.
Ephraim Penn, RADO board member of the British Virgin Islands, and Wayne Robinson, a physical education teacher at the Ebenezer Thomas Primary School, attended the meeting. Robinson, who was recommended for the education training by the Department of Education, will serve as the local lead in the anti-doping outreach efforts targeting students.
Rob Koehler, Director of Programme Development & Education at WADA, stressed that “it’s not all about testing….education must be the hallmark of our global efforts so that athletes understand the fundamental difference between cheating and playing fairly in all sports”.
Leading the education training was Lea Cleret, WADA’s Manager of Education, who was satisfied that participants left the training more empowered and equipped to implement anti-doping programmes in their countries.
WADA Officials also had discussions with the Hon. Stephen Lashley, Minister of Youth, Culture and Sport, and Mr. Steve Stoute, President of the Barbados Olympic Association.
The Board of the Caribbean RADO also met to review this year’s operations, and to plan for 2014 ahead of the revisions to the World Anti-Doping Code that will take effect on January 1st, 2015.
Supported by the local anti-doping and medical commission and Mr Penn, Robinson will spearhead the roll out of the 2014 campaign strategy once it has been approved by RADO.
The week’s events will make a significant dent in accelerating current regional anti-doping programmes and ensure that all countries expand efforts to reach the sport fraternity, especially athletes, as comprehensively as possible.
The Caribbean RADO’s member countries include Antigua & Barbuda, Aruba, Barbados, the Bahamas, the British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, St. Kitts & Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent & the Grenadines, Suriname, Turks & Caicos Islands and Trinidad & Tobago.
For further information, please contact Ephraim Penn, Board Member for the British Virgin Islands at (284) 4969004.