BVIOC distributes Panam Sports coach funding to national federations

BVIOC presents coach hiring funds from Panam Sports to its national federations
BVI National Federations receive coach hiring funds from Panam Sports distributed by the BVIOC

The BVI Olympic Committee distributed cheques totaling $100,000 from Panam Sports to 14 of its member federations on June 26, 2020. The funds are part of Panam Sports’ special project for the hiring of coaches in support of sports development in the Americas.

The 14 national federations which currently are active and which are recipients of the coaching funds include Archery, Athletics, Basketball, Cycling, Football, Rugby, Taekwondo, Tennis, Triathlon, Sailing, Softball/Baseball, Squash, Swimming and Volleyball.

“Coaching is a fundamental part of the success of any athlete or team and the development of sports,” said Ephraim Penn, President of the BVIOC. “The BVIOC applied to receive its allocation of $100,000 from Panam Sports which earmarked the money specifically for the hiring of coaches. The BVIOC and its national federations are very appreciative of the funding which is yet another demonstration of Panam Sports’ continued commitment to supporting the growth and development of sports across its 41 member nations which includes the Virgin Islands.”

The funding for coaches is one of the latest tangible resources Panam Sports has made available to the BVIOC and its member federations. Sports and athletes receive the direct benefits which the BVIOC apply for whether it’s through a donation of training equipment, funds for repairs to facilities – including the replacement of the Mondo track at the A.O. Shirley Recreation Grounds or through development initiatives such as coach training sessions.

Panam Sports is also engaged with all athletes across the continent with its ongoing virtual support sessions featuring professional experts in all aspects of sports both physical and psychological. The virtual sessions were introduced as part of the organizations’ response to the impact of COVID-19 on athletes and their training and competition programmes in the lead up to the now rescheduled Tokyo 2020 Summer Olympic Games.

About Panam Sports

The Pan American Sports Organization (PASO) was established on August 8th, 1948 and is recognized by the International Olympic Committee as the continental Association of the NOCs of the Americas. In 2017 the organization was rebranded as Panam Sports.

Its principal objects are the celebration and conduct of the Pan American Games and the promotion, development and protection of sport, as well as the Olympic Movement, in the Americas through its member NOCs. The current President, Neven Ilic, has held the post since 2017.

New date for BVIOC community walks to mark Olympic Day

The BVI Olympic Committee has rescheduled the community walks to mark Olympic Day to now take place on Saturday, July 4, 2020 with no changes to the original locations and registration time of 5:30am.

“The air quality forecast for Saturday, June 27 was cause for concern and after consultation with the Chief Medical Officer and the walk organisers, we decided that it was in the best interest of all participants to reschedule the Olympic Day Community Walks to take place at the same time next Saturday, July 4,” said Ephraim Penn, President of the BVIOC. “We realise that this may cause some disruption to plans but we would like to see more persons able to join in the walks in their neighbourhood and to move and stay active and encourage folks to mark the new date in their calendars.”

The BVIOC in collaboration with its National Federations and community groups will be hosting early morning community walks throughout the Virgin Islands to promote the Olympic Day message to #StayActive.

Registration for the walks in Tortola, Virgin Gorda, Jost Van Dyke and Anegada will start at 5:30am in all locations apart from in Sea Cow’s Bay which will start at 6:00am and Brewer’s Bay which will start at 5:15am. Registration locations are as follows:
Basketball court, West End; Myett’s car park, Cane Garden Bay; Nichol’s Beach Bar, Brewer’s Bay; Manuel Reef car park, Sea Cow’s Bay; Tortola Sports Club, Road Town; YEP in Long Look and Trellis Bay car park in East End. Walks also will take place in Jost Van Dyke, registration in front of the Government Administration buildings, Great Harbour and at the HLSCC in The Valley, Virgin Gorda and the Claudia Creque Education Center in Anegada.

Walk managers include volunteers from the VI Archery Association, BVI Athletics Association, BVI Rugby, Taekwondo, BVI Squash Federation, VI Softball/Baseball Association, YEP, TSC, Brewer’s Bay Action Committee, Jost Van Dyke Resilience Team led by Mr. Mark Morris, Mr. Milton McLean and Sister Island Coordinator, Ms Sasha Flax.

Staggered start times will be managed to keep walking groups to a maximum of 20 persons with 6ft distance between participating households. Walkers are requested to cooperate with the walk managers in their efforts to keep the activity safe for everyone.

Participants will receive a free tee shirts and Dasani Water and Powerade distributed by Road Town Wholesale on a first-come-first-serve basis. Walkers are advised to also bring their own water to ensure proper hydration. Organisers are requesting the return of the empty plastic bottles so that they may be properly disposed of in the recycling bins.

In the interests of public health and safety, potential participants are advised to stay home if feeling unwell, running a temperature or living in the same household as quarantined persons.

About Olympic Day
June 23 is marked in the international sporting calendar as international Olympic Day. Originally observed by just 9 countries on that day in 1948, the IOC launched the symbolic run in 1987 which encouraged all National Olympic Committees (NOCs) to celebrate Olympic Day and promote the practice of mass sport. From 45 participating NOCs in the first edition in 1987, the numbers have grown to more than 100 participating NOCs.

Today, Olympic Day is built on the three pillars “move”, “learn” and “discover” integrating sports, education and cultural aspects to broaden the community reach and appeal. and to motivate and encourage people of all ages and abilities to engage in healthy, physical activity.

In 2012, the BVIOC was one of the few NOCs to host a celebration of all sports on Olympic Day at the H. Lavity Stoutt Community College. The morning of activity started with a 2-mile run followed by a discussion panel featuring local sporting personalities and moderated by Mr. Rey O’Neal. The action continued with National Federations showcasing their sports and encouraging public participation and ended with a performance by the Lashing Dogs. This format of interactive engagement was adopted as the global template in 2017 at which time the BVIOC officially launched its annual Sports Festival to mark Olympic Day.

Sports Festival celebrating Olympic Day

Date: Saturday, June 22, 2024

  • The BVI Olympic Committee in collaboration with its member National Federations and in partnership with the H Lavity Stoutt College will present its 5th annual free Sports Festival celebrating Olympic Day on Tortola with walks/runs on Virgin Gorda, Jost Van Dyke and Anegada on Saturday, June 22, 2024.The Olympic Day activities are open to the public of all ages and abilities.
  • The occasion will also commemorate the 40th anniversary of the VI’s first appearance at the Olympics when the territory was represented by speed skater, Erroll “Canute” Fraser, at the Sarajevo 1984 Winter Olympic Games and by a national team of 4 track & field athletes and 5 sailors at the Los Angeles 1984 Summer Olympic Games. The athletics team members were Lindel “Chef” Hodge, Guy Hill, Dean Greenaway, Jerry Molyneaux and the sailors were Robin Tattersall, Elvet Meyers, Keith Barker, Peter Barker+ and Keith Thomas. The past Olympians will be recognized on the day.

2024 Sports Festival plans – HLSCC campus grounds and Brandywine Bay beach 9:00am – 12:00pm

  • Interactive stations at the college campus grounds include archery, athletics, basketball, cycling, netball, softball and squash. The BVI Anti-Doping Commission and health and nutrition advisors will also be on site.
  • The Department of Culture will be showcasing an interactive maritime historical display with the Maritime Museum open for visits. The Heritage Dancers will continue to build on their participation with lessons in some of the VI’s traditional dance steps.
  • Additional activities will take place simultaniously at Brandywine Bay Beach with aquatic and marine sports including sailing, swimming, and triathlon stations, alongside beach sports hosted by the volleyball, rugby, and football federations.

Walk/Runs on sister islands

  • Walk/runs will take place from 6:30am on Virgin Gorda starting at the VG Recreation Ground and on Anegada starting at the Claudia Creque Educational Centre. On Jost Van Dyke, the walk/run will start at 5:30am from the Albert Chinnery Admin Building, Great Harbour.

The free event encourages the public to move, learn and discover – regardless of age and ability – and find an activity to adopt in their lifestyle for fitness and health.

Olympic Year Celebrations

  • 2024 is an Olympic year where we have two athletes confirmed to compete at Paris 2024 – Kyron McMaster OBE OLY, 400m hurdles 2x Commonwealth Games champion and World Athletics Championship silver medalist and ILCA7 (laser) sailor Thad Lettsome. Chef de Mission Tahesia Harrigan-Scott will be in attendance with updates on the preparations for the Games with VI designer, Kristin Fraser unveiling the Opening Ceremony wear for the BVI team at Paris 2024.

Participants will receive a free tee shirts and Dasani Water and Powerade distributed by Road Town Wholesale on a first-come-first-serve basis.

Thank you for your support!

Check the Event page on Facebook

For more information contact (284) 541 7845 or email

BVIOC organises community walks to mark Olympic Day

Simone Foster, an annual participant, celebrates the end of an Olympic Day walk in the Virgin Islands

The BVI Olympic Committee in collaboration with its National Federations and community groups will be hosting early morning community walks throughout the Virgin Islands on Saturday, June 27, 2020 to promote the Olympic Day message to #StayActive.

The community walks will take place in lieu of the annual interactive Sports Festival which officially have taken place since 2017 to mark Olympic Day.

“This year, the COVID-19 pandemic forced the BVIOC to rethink its programme of an interactive discussion session and mini sports clinics planned for the 2020 Sports Festival and to organize an activity that would be compliant with the current local health protocols and social distancing measures” said Ephraim Penn, President, BVIOC. “With our low rate of infection and no current active cases, the proposal to host regulated walks in communities throughout the Districts met with approval from the Chief Medical Officer. The walks will start as early in the morning as curfew restrictions allow to try and beat the heat and will follow easy routes so as to be manageable by all ages and abilities.”

Registration for the walks will start at 5:30am in all locations apart from in Sea Cow’s Bay which will start at 6:00am and Brewer’s Bay which will start at 5:15am. Registration locations are as follows:
Basketball court, West End; Myett’s car park, Cane Garden Bay; Nichol’s Beach Bar, Brewer’s Bay; Manuel Reef car park, Sea Cow’s Bay, Tortola Sports Club, Road Town; YEP in Long Look and Trellis Bay car park in East End. Walks also will take place in Jost Van Dyke, registration in front of the Government Administration buildings, Great Harbour and at the HLSCC in The Valley, Virgin Gorda.

Walk managers include volunteers from the VI Archery Association, BVI Athletics Association, BVI Rugby, Taekwondo, BVI Squash Federation, VI Softball/Baseball Association, YEP, TSC, Brewer’s Bay Action Committee, Jost Van Dyke Resilience Team led by Mr. Mark Morris, Mr. Milton McLean and Sister Island Coordinator, Ms Sasha Flax.

Staggered start times will be managed to keep walking groups to a maximum of 20 persons with 6ft distance between participating households. Walkers are requested to cooperate with the walk managers in their efforts to keep the activity safe for everyone.

Participants will receive a free tee shirts and Dasani Water and Powerade distributed by Road Town Wholesale on a first-come-first-serve basis. Walkers are advised to also bring their own water to ensure proper hydration. Organisers are requesting the return of the empty plastic bottles so that they may be properly disposed of in the recycling bins.

In the interests of public health and safety, potential participants are advised to stay home if feeling unwell, running a temperature or living in the same household as quarantined persons.

About Olympic Day
June 23 is marked in the international sporting calendar as international Olympic Day. Originally observed by just 9 countries on that day in 1948, the IOC launched the symbolic run in 1987 which encouraged all National Olympic Committees (NOCs) to celebrate Olympic Day and promote the practice of mass sport. From 45 participating NOCs in the first edition in 1987, the numbers have grown to more than 100 participating NOCs.

Today, Olympic Day is built on the three pillars “move”, “learn” and “discover” integrating sports, education and cultural aspects to broaden the community reach and appeal. and to motivate and encourage people of all ages and abilities to engage in healthy, physical activity.

In 2012, the BVIOC was one of the few NOCs to host a celebration of all sports on Olympic Day at the H. Lavity Stoutt Community College. The morning of activity started with a 2-mile run followed by a discussion panel featuring local sporting personalities and moderated by Mr. Rey O’Neal. The action continued with National Federations showcasing their sports and encouraging public participation and ended with a performance by the Lashing Dogs. This format of interactive engagement was adopted as the global template in 2017 at which time the BVIOC officially launched its annual Sports Festival to mark Olympic Day.

Hive of activity at 2nd annual Olympic Day Sports Festival

International Olympic Day was marked on Saturday, June 22nd with the 2nd annual Sports Festival at the A.O. Shirley Recreation Grounds. The morning of interactive events to promote the Olympic Day pillars to move, learn and discover was hosted by the BVI Olympic Committee in conjunction with the Ministry of Education, Culture, Youth Affairs, Fisheries and Agriculture.

National Federations set up stations around the grounds where they staged demo sessions and invited attendees of the Sports Festival to join in. There was full and enthusiastic uptake in the sports as presented by archery, athletics, basketball, cycling, football, rugby, softball/baseball, taekwondo, tennis and volleyball with children and adults alike trying their hand at something new.

Sailing and squash had information stands featuring the equipment of their sport with each of the coaches respectively encouraging hands-on engagement with the sailing optimist on display and with the rackets and balls. Information on anti-doping and the Caribbean Regional Anti-Doping Organisation was also available from Doping Control Officers.

“The response from the National Federations this year was exceptional and we could not have hosted such a successful event without their full participation,” said Ephraim Penn, President of the BVIOC. “The International Olympic Committee had encouraged NOCs to ramp up activities this year to extend beyond the traditional Olympic Day walk/run and to promote the concept of getting active as a way of life regardless of age and ability. I am pleased that the BVIOC was ahead of the curve with this idea as we have been promoting interactive engagement since Olympic Day 2012 when we hosted the event at the H. Lavity Stoutt Community College. The festival also provides the perfect platform for supporting our Long Term Athlete Development Programme.”

Following welcome remarks by Mr. Roy Barry, 2nd Vice President of the BVIOC and the reading of the Olympic Day Message from the President of the IOC, Mr. Thomas Bach, Dr. the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley, Minister for Education and Culture recognized the major achievements for athletes and teams as provided by some of the National Federations. Certificates of acknowledgement were given for distribution to the named athletes in athletics, football, rugby, sailing, softball/baseball and volleyball.

The Honourable Minister encouraged all athletes to stay the course and to continue to achieve results that they can be proud of.

Olympic Day was also selected as the appropriate occasion to officially announce the four athletes who have qualified to compete at the Lima 2019 Pan American Games from July 26th through August 11th. Naming senior track and field athletes and one sailor, Honourable Neville Smith, 1st Vice President, BVIOC congratulated Chantel Malone (long jump), Kyron McMaster (400m hurdles) and Eldred Henry (shot put) on their outstanding achievements in qualifying meets as well as 17-year old, Thad Lettsome who was awarded a universality place in the men’s laser event. The two sports’ disciplines are qualifiers for the Tokyo 2020 Summer Games.

On the heels of the announcement, Honourable Wheatley stated that the Ministry of Education and Culture has awarded checks amounting to $24,000 for senior athlete, Kyron McMaster for his gold medal wins at the 2018 Central American and Caribbean (CAC) Games and the 2018 North American, Central American and Caribbean (NACAC), Championships. Chantel Malone was also named as a recipient of a check for $9,000 for her silver medal win at the 2018 CAC Games.

“The Government has committed to paying our senior athletes for podium finishes at major international competitions,” said Honourable Wheatley. “This award is a ‘thank you’ as well as an incentive to stay committed to putting in the hard work and focus on winning a medal.” He went on to joke that the current roster of athletes was on track to bankrupting the government’s coffers.

At the invitation of Ms. Sabinah Clement, Athlete Representative, BVIOC, 3 athletes stepped forward to share their experiences. A volleyball player since the age of 12, Ms. Sharonda Pickering spoke of her route to becoming one of the best middle players in the sport in the NCAA conference, helping her school to conference and national championships.

Mr. Kenard Dawson who was home for the Summer, explained how he started his baseball career as a young boy playing softball with coach and VISBA President, Terrence Chinnery before going on to become catcher for the team at Georgia Premier Academy High School and earning a 4 Year Scholarship at Grambling State University, Statesboro, Georgia.

Ms. Beyonce Defreitas who just completed her freshman year at University of Central Florida, is a 100m and 200m sprinter and she closed out the opening remarks with a talk through of qualifying for the Commonwealth Youth Games, the Carifta Games and the IAAF World Under 20 Championships and competing at NCAA Division 1 events. Ms. Defreitas encouraged all the young aspiring athletes to follow their dreams and to be strong in their self-belief and confidence in their abilities.

Olympic Day was established in 1948 as an annual occasion where everyone everywhere can get together in their communities, whatever their age, ability or disability, to celebrate the Olympic values of Respect, Excellence and Friendship and also celebrate the Olympic Day pillars: Move. Learn. Discover.

The 2019 Olympic Day Sports Festival was sponsored by the Ministry of Education and Culture and the Department of Youth Affairs and Sports, Dasani water, Powerade and Coca Cola products distributed by Road Town Wholesale Trading Ltd, and MB’s Ice

Click to view the Olympic Day Sports Festival album on FaceBook

Community invited to 2nd annual Olympic Day Sports Festival

The BVI Olympic Committee, supported by the Ministry of Education and Culture through the Department of Youth Affairs and Sports will host its second annual Sports Festival at the A.O. Shirley Recreation Grounds from 9:00am – 12:00pm on Saturday, June 22.

The Sports Festival, marking the globally celebrated international Olympic Day, aims to encourage the community to get physically active by promoting the Olympic message to “move, learn and discover”.

The morning will feature interactive stations set up by National Sporting Federations with opportunities for everybody of all ages and abilities to try out a sport. Adults and children alike will be able to test their skills and find out more about archery, athletics, basketball, football, rugby, sailing, softball/baseball, squash, swimming, taekwondo, tennis and volleyball with a view to finding a sport that ignites an interest and to get active in their daily life.

Recently trained Doping Control Officers (DCOs) will be on hand to explain more about anti-doping in sports. Information will be provided about the Long Term Athlete Development programme and the importance of incorporating physical activity as part of a regular routine to minimize the risks of non-communicable diseases. DYAS will also have information on its Summer programme for 13 – 18 year olds.

During the brief opening of the Sports Festival, the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley, the Minister for Education, Culture and Sports will recognize the major achievements of national athletes and teams as provided by the National Federations.

On this day, the Honourable Neville Smith, 1st VP of the BVIOC will also announce the senior athletes who have so far qualified to compete in the Lima 2019 Pan American Games which will take place in Peru from July 26 – August 11.

Free Olympic Day tee shirts will be handed out by the BVIOC as well as complimentary water, chilled courtesy of MBs Ice.

Olympic Day was established in 1948 as an annual occasion where everyone everywhere can get together in their communities to celebrate the Olympic values of Respect, Excellence and Friendship and also celebrate the Olympic Day pillars: Move. Learn. Discover.

VI Rugby Team to face TCI in RAN North Cup 2019

RAN Friendly – TCI v BVI. Photo: RAN

The Virgin Islands team will be playing against team Turks and Caicos in the second match of the Rugby North America (RAN) North Cup. The game will take place at the A. O. Shirley Recreation Ground at 10:00am on Saturday, May 4.

The RAN North Cup is a Tri-Nations competition in which the British Virgin Islands, Dominican Republic, and Turks and Caicos Islands all play each other. The three island nations make up 50% of the 2019 RAN Cup which is structured according to the north and south with the RAN South Cup being a competition between Martinique, Curacao, and Barbados.

North Cup Fixtures:
April 13: Turks & Caicos Islands vs Dominican Republic (TCI 24- 20 DR)
May 04: British Virgin Islands vs. Turks & Caicos
TBA: Dominican Republic vs British Virgin Islands

South Cup Results: Martinique vs. Barbados – March 16, 2019
Result:  Martinique 43-14 Barbados
Martinique vs. Curacao  – March 23, 2019
Result:  Martinique 39-0 Curacao
Barbados vs. Curacao – April 6 2019
Result:  Barbados 55-7 Curacao

Virgin Islands Beach Rugby squad tackles competition in Florida

By BVI Rugby Football Union

Virgin Islands Beach Rugby competed on Saturday January 5th 2019 in the RAN Beach Rugby 5s on Hollywood Beach, Ft Lauderdale. Photo: BVIRFU

Virgin Islands Beach Rugby competed on Saturday January 5th 2019 in the RAN Beach Rugby 5s on Hollywood Beach, Ft Lauderdale.

The inaugural tournament was contested by 10 teams in the men’s division, 4 women’s teams, 6 men’s youth and 3 female youth.

The squad consisted of “Big Man” Andre Adams, “The Viking” Sean Burgess, “Rookie” Will Melanson, “Power Prop” Damion Brown, “Hands” Tom Chapman, devilishly sneaky Marc Harbison, a solid Mark Livingston and young speedster Noah Pierce.

Virgin Islands opened up their tournament against a highly rated USA South Panthers B whose players are part of World Rugby development program for the USA Eagles.

Proceedings began with both sides making huge hits and managing to defend against any early scores. Eventually – about half way though the first half – some superb handling and ball retention from Virgin Islands created a two-on-one with Noah Pierce creating a lane of space on the wing. Pierce was passed a bullet as he streaked down the line for the game’s opening try to stun the crowd.

An injury on the USA Panthers side forced a breather as medical crews attended the downed player. This was very much in need as the intensity of beach rugby was already taking it’s toll on players from both sides. Huge offensive hits and show stopping tackles continued to follow. Scores began to flow from both sides with exceptional performances coming from big boys Andre Adams and Sean Burgess. Rookies, Will Melanson and Noah Pierce delivered way beyond expectation and were true assets in tackling, driving into contact, recycling, hands and speed. Quite the accomplishment for gentlemen playing in their first contact match.

The ability of USA to do complete line changes between tries wore on the Virgin Islands lads’ energy as, carrying a squad of only 8 vs their 12, made brief gasps at air far shorter than the Americans.

USA South was able to secure a few tries in the final minute to win the game 8-4 in a match that seemed closer and could have gone either way until the final minute. The boys were all commended for the efforts against a much more experienced and drilled opposition. Several VI players were in a serious state of exhaustion at the final whistle due to putting in a herculean effort in a match filled with literally hundreds of tackles and every player being smashed into the sand face first on several occasions.

Shortly after, the VI faced Boca Raton and another punishing match. Scores coming from all the VI stars and some fancy handling from Mark Livingston and Marc Harbison kept the talented Floridians on the back foot. The Boca boys were big and strong, again with plenty of backup and were able to edge Virgin Islands 8-6. Another strong performance but VI unable to pick up the win.

Next up was University side USF whose youth and fitness was too much but the VI went down fighting in a close one. Another blinder that saw all VI players taking on a series of power tackles from the crossfit cut young lads of college rugby.

By day’s end, the hits and lack of subs proved too much. Virgin Islands went down to a Fort Lauderdale Knights side who were playing for a spot in the playoffs having already picked up 2 wins out of 3. The Knights played incredible flat line defence and Virgin Islands were not able to punch in a score.

It was disappointing to not pick up any wins but the VI side played great for their first beach tournament and surprised the crowd with determination and poise making great plays and securing tries against formidable opposition all afternoon.

Winners USA South took home $1,500 for their efforts and the 2nd place Boca Raton – who only squeezed passed the VI 8-6 – was able to take home the $750 prize for runner up after a tough final against the tournament favourite.

Virgin Islands’ Noah Pierce picked up 3rd place in his Fastest Players race in which each team’s fastest players were pitted against each other to race the distance of the field, retrieve a ball and race back to score a try.

VI Beach Rugby thanks sponsors Carey Olsen and CPG Construction. whose support has enabled BVIRFU to grow the game.

A great time was had by all and the festivities afterwards did not disappoint.

Virgin Islands Beach Rugby is always looking for new players to join Beach Rugby Contact 5s in the BVI.

Sessions are usually held at Cane Garden Bay or Little Bay. Get in touch with BVI Rugby Football Union on Facebook to register your interest or touch base with one of the players.

Virgin Islands Beach Rugby squad competed in the RAN Beach Rugby 5s on Hollywood Beach, Ft Lauderdale, Jan 5, 2019. Photo: BVIRFU

Community joins BVIOC in celebrating Olympic Day with Sports Festival

Participants of the 2018 Olympic Day Sports Festival. Photo: CM Farrington/BVIOC

Olympic Day in the Virgin Islands hosted by the Olympic Committee kicked off on June 23 with an early morning run and walk. This was followed by a Sports Festival to mark the globally celebrated day which locally, took place at the A.O. Shirley Recreation Grounds featuring several National Sporting Federations and their athletes.

Ephraim Penn, President of the BVIOC also used the occasion to hand over new equipment donated by PanAm Sports to benefit the track and field athlete members of the BVI Athletic Association. Kit included shot puts, discus, hammer, and electronic starting blocks.

Around 70 runners and walkers registered for the 6.30am 10km/5km run and 1 mile run/walk on Saturday with top finishers receiving special edition BVIOC shirts and bags as prizes. More people arrived at the recreation grounds and the multi sports complex mid-morning to watch demonstrations and try their hand in athletics, archery, basketball, football, rugby, tennis, and volleyball.

Mr. Penn summarized the activities and achievements of the national federations over the last 12 months and invited attending national federation representatives to provide additional information on their progress.

“The public may be forgiven for thinking that sports had been put on the back burner since the August floods and Hurricanes Irma and Maria,” said Mr. Penn. “However, this is not the case as illustrated by the National Federations’ reports of individual and team success. We are encouraged and excited that not only did the coaches and athletes show their resilience and determination to continue with their sports following the natural disasters, but they went on to win medals, titles and trophies and improve on their previous scores and times! Congratulations to all involved.”

Coaches from Athletics, Archery, Football, Rugby, and Tennis spoke on the recovery of their sports following the August floods and September hurricanes and encouraged attendees at the Sports Festival to join in their demo sessions taking place on the field. A 12-month review of the National Federation activities is set out below.

The morning set up included a 10,000 Step Challenge and an information booth on anti-doping. There were children’s bouncy castles courtesy of Digicel and Red Cross volunteers were on hand to ensure the safety of all participants. Roadtown Wholesale provided Dasani water, Powerade, Coca Cola and Sprite throughout the day.

Olympic Day was established in 1948 as an annual occasion where everyone everywhere can get together in their communities to celebrate the Olympic values of Respect, Excellence and Friendship and also celebrate the Olympic Day pillars: Move. Learn. Discover.

In his Olympic Day message to people around the world, IOC President, Thomas Bach said, “For the past 70 years, Olympic Day commemorates the founding modern Olympic Movement. Olympic Day reminds us that anyone, anywhere, can enjoy and benefit from sport. In our fast-changing society, Olympic Day is an excellent way to encourage all people to lead healthy and active lives and to promote the role of sport in society. Our thanks and gratitude go to the National Olympic Committees who are bringing sport and its values closer to the people through the many sporting, educational and cultural activities that are organized throughout the year. Thank you for encouraging people of all backgrounds and ability to get up and get moving, to discover sport and to embrace Olympic Values. ”

Photo: BVI Rugby Football Union

Junior tennis players. Photo; BVI Tennis Association













Review of National Federation Activity June 2017 – June 2018

BVI Athletics Association
2017 OECS Track & Field Championships – Team BVI won the Meet title.

2017 Commonwealth Youth Games – Djimon Gumbs placed third in the discus with a distance of 56.24 meters. Beyonce Defreitas placed second in the 200m with a time of 23.88 seconds.

2017 Diamond League Championships – Kyron McMaster won the event with a time of 48.07 seconds.

2017 World Championships – Chantel Malone placed 7th with a jump of 6.57 meters becoming the first BVI athlete making it to a final of a Major Championship Outdoor Meet

2018 Carifta Games – Rikkoi Brathwaite placed third in the 100m with a time of 10.46 seconds (BVI’s first medal in the male sprints in 41 years)

2018 Commonwealth Games – Chantel Malone placed 5th with a jump of 6.48 meters
Kyron McMaster won the event with a time of 48.25 seconds

Virgin Islands Archery Association
2017 – National Archery introduced in the schools’ program and 21 Students received scholarships of the $20K that was awarded in 2017. Participating schools included Cedar International School, Elmore Stoutt High School, Bregado Flax, Willard Wheatley, and Francis Lettsome Primary School.

The National Archery Team competed in Puerto Rico at the JEB Cup Developmental Championships and brought home 16 medals competing against 17 other countries (
5 gold, 6 silver, 3 bronze).

2018 – After the departure of a few members of the team due to hurricane Irma, only 3 members of the National Archery Team traveled to the Dominican Republic in April to compete in their first world ranking event. The team missed the mark by 1 spot for the CAC Games.

BVI Football Association
2017 – At the Concacaf U 15 tournament, the national team won 8-2 v. Montserrat, 2-0 v. Anguilla, and 8-2 v. Turks & Caicos and finished 4th out of 16 in Division C.
January 2018 – Played in the Premier U 12 Tournament in Puerto Rico and finished 3rd having won 1, drawn 1, and lost 1.
2018 U 14 Flanders Cup in St. Martin – Finished 2nd having defeated the favourites Martinique and St. Martin teams to advance in the finals.

At the 2018 World Cup, Deshawn Richardson, 13 and 12 year old Ryan Ramlall attended the Gasprom F4F 2018 program in Moscow, Russia as a footballer and journalist respectively. The boys participated in 3-day camps which focused respectively in journalism and soccer. The culmination were interviews by Ryan getting published and Deshawn’s team, the Humpback Whales, making it to the semi-finals of the F4F championship. Both Ryan and Deshawn represented the BVI well.

BVIFA also have successfully conducted the Senior Men’s National League and the Primary and Secondary School Leagues.

BVI Rugby Football Union
Rugby is now back in the schools and training is in full swing for all men and women.
In April 2018, BVI won the Kowloon 10s RugbyFest in Hong Kong.
In May 2018, the national team represented in an international match against Turks and Caicos Islands in the TCI.

Royal BVI Yacht Club
BVI youth sailing is ongoing at Nanny Cay Marina.
Thad Lettsome, representing the BVI at the 47th Youth Sailing World Championships in Sanya, China in December 2017 finished in 33rd position in the Laser Radial Class.
The RBVIYC hosted the annual Manhattan Yacht Club Trophy in February, the annual BVI Spring Regatta in April and the 2018 BVI Dinghy Championships in May.

BVI Squash Rackets Association
A new coach will start the squash program in July. Joe Chapman and Neville Sorrentino competed at the Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games. Joe won the Plate.
The VI team competed in the annual OECS Squash Championships in St. Vincent and the Grenadines in May.

BVI Swimming Association
Elinah Phillip won 3 silver medals in the 50m Fly, 50m Freestyle, and 200m Freestyle at the Carifta Swimming Championships held in Jamaica in April.

BVI Tennis Association
Tennis programme is ongoing at the East End Tennis Courts.
Deandrea Baijnauth competed in the C. O. Williams COTECC U14s International Junior Tennis Tournament in Barbados in April.
Three juniors competed in the 6th annual Caribbean 12 & Under Junior Invitational Tennis Tournament in Antigua in May.
The association successfully hosted open tennis days for Mothers’ Day and World Tennis Day.

Virgin Islands Volleyball Association
The association organised the 2 on 2 male and female Beach volleyball tournament which concluded earlier in June.

BVI in 2017 Rugby Americas North – Jamaica takes the crown

Source: VINO

The [British] Virgin Islands (VI) battling Trinidad and Tobago at the 2017 Rugby Americas North (RAN) Sevens in Mexico. Photo: Facebook

Jamaica Men and Mexico Women have been crowned the 2017 Rugby Americas North (RAN) Sevens Champions. Both teams have booked their ticket to Rugby World Cup Sevens in San Francisco as well as the Central American and Caribbean Sports Organisation (CACSO) Games.

French Guiana and Jamaica Women will also represent RAN at the CASCO Games. Mexico women will play in the 2018 Hong Kong Sevens, while Jamaica Men will head to the Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games.

The [British] Virgin Islands (VI) Team concluded day two with another victory over Curacao, 26-7, to avoid the ignominy of finishing bottom of the tables, but unfortunately finished on the wrong end of a 40 – 0 score line against Barbados and suffered a 28-0 defeat at the hands of the Dominican Republic.

Between the near-capacity crowd and the heart pounding action on the field, finals day at the Campo Marte military grounds in Mexico City was one for the record books. The women’s competition had its fair share up upsets. After going undefeated on day one, Trinidad & Tobago ended their campaign in fourth place after a 5-0 loss in the final match against Mexico. The loss, coupled with French Guiana’s 36-0 shutout over Guyana, and Jamaica’s perfect record on day two, resulted in French Guiana and Jamaica finishing second and third respectively. Guyana, Dominican Republic and Bermuda filled out the fifth through seventh place slots.

After seven injuries side lined members of Mexico’s women’s team in the last month, the squad needed to dig deep to earn this year’s RAN Sevens title, and a first-ever appearance at a Rugby World Cup Sevens. In the final versus a very physical Trinidad & Tobago team, Captain Dany Rosales used quick field awareness to tap through for the only try of the match.

In the men’s competition, the final between Jamaica and Guyana did not disappoint the roaring crowds. Both teams met after two days of going undefeated, save for Guyana’s tie with Bermuda in the first Cup match of day two. Under the setting sun both teams traded tries and possession to land tied 14-14 at the half. Guyana looked to have stolen victory late in the match with a try from Pat King, but deep into injury time Conan Osborne was the match winner with a beautiful individual effort that secured the 28-24 win and 2018 World Cup Sevens qualification for Jamaica.

Mexico pleased the hometown crowd in their final match with a 22-14 win over Trinidad & Tobago to secure a third-place finish. All four of the top finishers in the men’s competition will head to the CACSO Games. Cayman Islands beat Bermuda for the fifth-place spot.