BVI school principals with members of the Long Term Athlete Development (LTAD) Committee. Photo: BVIOC
Workshop #5, the final in the series on Long Term Athlete Development (LTAD) and Physical Literacy (PL), was held at the Training Division Conference Room May 18 – 19, 2017.
This marked the culmination of the BVIOC/ CANOC initiative which was launched in the Virgin Islands as one of the test beds for the introduction of similar programmes across the Caribbean. The other countries were the Bahamas, Trinidad & Tobago, St Vincent and the Grenadines, Haiti, and Suriname.
The objective was to develop Long Term Athlete Development sport models and introduce the concept of Physical Literacy: “Physical literacy is the motivation, confidence, physical competence, knowledge and understanding to value and take responsibility for engagement in physical activities for life.”- The International Physical Literacy Association, May 2014.
Day 1
The facilitators Mr. Drew Mitchel and Mr. Thomas Jones of Canada Sport for Life met with the Chief Education Officer, Mrs. Connie George, Education Officers, principals from public and private schools, Dr. Monica Sagala, Deputy Director of Medical Services of the BVI Health Services Authority and other health representatives. The attendees were enthusiastic and pledged to get their schools more involved in physical activities.
“The workshop was wonderful and was a great opportunity to meet with other principals and educational personnel. The concerns were similar. I will continue to encourage a healthy lifestyle and the integration of physical activities in the daily lives of my students. I will use our school assembly to reinforce the concept of Physical Literacy,” said Dr. Antoinette Rock, Principal of St Georges Secondary.
“I thoroughly enjoyed the session on Physical Literacy. I believe it is a needed component in our curriculum in the VI. I plan to implement school-wide programs and encourage movement and healthy lifestyle practices,” said Mr. Orlandette Crabbe, Principal of Joyce Samuel Primary School. “My PE teacher has been charged with developing a plan for the new school year with regards to Physical Literacy.”
Day 2
Physical Education teachers of public and private schools, health liaison teachers, gym instructors and early childhood educators attended the workshop. Topics covered included integrating Physical Literacy into warm up routines, increasing performances of all participants and Physical Literacy Play Tool assessment for sport practices, Physical Education and group exercises.
“The Physical Literacy Workshop I must say was a grateful opportunity for me to be a part of. It has enhanced my knowledge and future thoughts on the importance of a physically balanced lifestyle and has already put me into action to find various strategies and goals from both workshops to execute in my curriculum at Akua Roots 24 Family Care effectively with results that will last a lifetime and promote optimum health and quality of life,” said Shevonne Findlay, Akua Roots 24 Hours Family Care.
As an outcome of these workshops, Physical Literacy is now an integral part of the curriculum in the government Primary Schools and is expected to become a buzz word in the High School.
The teachers of the Early Childhood Centers have expressed eagerness to include the concept in their daily routines. The BVI Health Service Authority is in the process of rolling out the “Green Prescription” through which doctors will prescribe a battery of physical activities, initially in addition to medication in an attempt to lessen the occurrences of non-communicable diseases.
National Federations present LTAD sport models
The LTAD sport models for Athletics, Archery, Basketball, Rugby and Sailing were handed over by the project leads to the President of the BVI Olympic Committee, Mr. Ephraim Penn at a ceremony held at the Old Government House Museum.
Minister for Education, Culture and Sports, Hon. Myron V. Walwyn, presidents of the national sport federations, and the executive of the BVIOC and guests were in attendance.
The project leads for the sports were awarded CS4L International Certificates and others were awarded certificates of recognition.
“We are excited about future projects in the BVI and want to thank you all for your boundless energy and interest in working with us to help improve the health and physical activity possibilities for people in this country. It is truly a special place,” said Tomas Jones of Canada Sport for Life.
Mr. Ephraim Penn and the National Coordinator of the LTAD and Physical Literacy, Mrs. Angeleta Bernard are pleased with the results of the 18 months of dedicated work by the project leads and the cooperation of the national federations.
Mrs. Bernard is grateful to the BVIOC for the opportunity to have served as coordinator.